Tuesday 29 November 2011


Yet another sad day for some Tanzanian families. I have to tell you even more people have been killed in road traffic accidents.

According to the newspaper report, three people were killed and four others were injured, involving a fuel tanker and six other vehicles. It happened a stones throw from the hotel where I am staying.

The tanker driver was approaching a Dala Dala at pace, which had just set down some passengers, the Dala Dala driver moved away to re-join the carriage way, from my brief experience here of Dala Dala drivers, this would have been done with total disregard for following traffic, I have seen with my own eyes that they are simply not concerned about road safety, pulling out without a care in the world is common place.

To avoid hitting the Dala Dala the newspaper claimed “the truck spun out of control and flew over a kerb hitting six vehicles” also according to the newspaper an eye witness said “the tanker was driving at high speed”

The report went on to say: Regional Police Commander Charles Kenyela told reporters at the scene that one expectant mother and two men died on the spot, while the injured people were taken to hospital. The report also claimed that the accident happened at 1pm and people were rescued at 2pm!!

Commander Kenyela said “the driver of the fuel truck disappeared after the accident and was being sought by the police”

Attached to the newspaper article about this accident, is another report which stated: Last week at least 18 people including university students died in a road accident which involved a bus; that had collided head-on with a lorry.

Tanzanians need help; people are getting killed on the roads out here at an alarming rate. There are initiatives taking place, I know that because Metroline have sponsored me to be here. There was a bit of a buzz going around the institute the other day, I was told that a debate was taking place on transport issues and it would be live on the telly that night, so I know things are happening.

It wouldn’t be right of me as a Jonnie Foreigner to breeze into Tanzania like a cool wind, declaring a holiday saying “all you need to do is fix this, build that, buy this” I’m just a simple driving examiner, this place needs a lot of money to sort it out, so they need someone out there of real influence, who can say “fix this, build that, buy this”

How that’s going to be achieved I don’t know, the world is in a financial mess, austerity measure are biting hard at home, businesses and people are finding it hard to get by, something needs to be done though.

Maybe, I don’t know, they could start with the traffic police; I get the feeling and this is second hand info as I haven’t seen that many, the driving standards of a police officer are no better than that of the average motorist, because of this they have no way of knowing what makes a good driver; a bad driver or how to give motorists proper advice, if this is the case, then they also need proper training to be able to make sound judgements and convict offenders though the proper channels.

I have also been made aware that drivers are pulled over by the police from time too time and on the spot fines are issued for alleged misdemeanours; maybe, so I am told, when the Police learn how to issue receipts, they could channel that money somewhere else!!

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